
Oman participates in Ministerial Council of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation

Published On: 22 March 2022

The Sultanate of Oman is participating in a session of the Ministerial Council of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in the Pakistani capital, Islamabad.

The Omani delegation to the meeting, which was inaugurated today under the auspices of Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan, was headed by Sheikh Khalifa Alharthy, Diplomatic Undersecretary of Oman’s Foreign Ministry.

The meeting is discussing a number of issues including economic cooperation, combating terrorism and Islamophobia and other issues of concern to the member states of the OIC, foremost of which is the Palestinian cause.

The delegation of the Sultanate of Oman includes Sheikh Mohammed Almarhoon, Oman's ambassador to Pakistan and a number of Foreign Ministry officials.

This is an unofficial English translation of the original Arabic text. To view the official Arabic text, click here.