
Oman and Switzerland celebrate 50 years of diplomatic relations

Published On: 19 September 2023

The Foreign Ministry held a celebration today to mark the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Sultanate of Oman and Switzerland.

Speaking at the event, Sheikh Khalifa Alharthy, Foreign Ministry Undersecretary for Political Affairs, said that for 50 years, the two countries have enjoyed strong relations, adding that the leadership of the two countries pays special attention to the relations between them and to ensuring that they continue to advance.

Sheikh Khalifa said that Switzerland and Oman are working to build their relations still further in many economic, trade and investment fields.


The Political Undersecretary said that Oman values highly Switzerland's role as the incubator of many international organisations and for the role it plays in global mediation.

He added that the two countries are in many ways similar, especially in regard to their international role in bringing conflicting parties together in dialogue in order to enhance security and stability.

This is an unofficial English version of an Arabic report. To view the official Arabic text, click here.