The Sultanate of Oman emphasizes that ending the conflict in the Middle East will only be achieved by establishing a Palestinian state

Oman tells UN Palestinian state essential for peace

Published On: 14 May 2024

Oman has reiterated that ending the conflict in the Middle East can only be achieved by establishing a Palestinian state and granting it full and unimpaired membership in the United Nations.

In a speech to the UN General Assembly, Oman said this was a global demand supported by the international community and a strategic necessity for moving forwards.

The speech setting out the Sultanate's position was made by Sayyid Ahmed bin Hamoud Albusaidi, a member of Oman's permanent delegation to the United Nations in New York, during the resumed tenth emergency special session of the General Assembly.

Oman called on the Security Council to reconsider the issue of granting full UN membership to Palestine, adding that rejecting such a request serves the security and peace of neither the Middle East nor the world. It added that rejecting full membership undermines the credibility of the Security Council and demonstrates double standards when on the Palestinian issue.

Oman welcomed the vote by the majority of the UN General Assembly members in favour of the resolution supporting the State of Palestine’s right to full membership in the United Nations. It noted that the global majority is appealing to the Security Council to recognise the State of Palestine as a practical step towards a two-state solution and achieving a just peace in line with international resolutions.

In the speech, Oman expressed deep concern about the ongoing military escalation by Israeli occupation forces and the war crimes and genocide being perpetrated against unarmed civilians in the Gaza Strip and the occupied Palestinian territories.  It warned of the catastrophic consequences of the military operations by Israeli occupation forces in the city of Rafah, adding that these operations  threaten to widen the scope of conflict and tension in the region.

Oman reiterated its support for peace efforts and a two-state solution providing secure coexistence. It vehemently rejected any projects that do not establish a just and comprehensive peace and a permanent solution to the Palestinian issue, reaffirming its support for the legitimate demands of the Palestinian people and their right to full membership in the United Nations.

Oman also supported the statements made by the delegation of the United Arab Emirates (on behalf of the Arab Group), the delegation of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania (on behalf of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation) and the delegation of the Republic of Uganda (on behalf of the Non-Aligned Movement). All these statements affirmed the international community's support for the legitimate demand of the State of Palestine to obtain full membership at the United Nations like other countries in the world.

This is an unofficial English version of an Arabic report. To view the official Arabic text, click here.