
Diplomatic Undersecretary meets with Indian Ambassador

Published On: 6 June 2022

The Foreign Ministry’s Undersecretary for Diplomatic Affairs, Sheikh Khalifa Alharthy, met today with Amit Narang, Ambassador of India to the Sultanate of Oman.

The Diplomatic Undersecretary expressed Oman’s condemnation of the insulting remarks made about the Prophet Mohammed, Peace be Upon Him, Islam and Muslims by an official in the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).

Sheikh Alharthy also reiterated Oman’s rejection of the insulting of all religious symbols. He pointed out that such comments and incidents do not serve peaceful coexistence among people of different religions and only cause public outrage.

He also expressed Oman’s welcome for the statement issued by the ruling BJP party in India which announced the suspension of the official who made the insulting remarks.

The Diplomatic Undersecretary reaffirmed Oman’s commitment to a culture of tolerance, coexistence, resisting hatred and respecting all faiths and religions.

This is an unofficial English translation of the original Arabic text. To view the official Arabic text, click here.
