His Majesty receives credentials of Ambassadors

Published On: 21 June 2023

His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik received, one by one, at Al Barakah Palace today, the credentials of seven Ambassadors appointed to the Sultanate of Oman.

His Majesty received the credentials of the following Ambassadors:

Yahaya Lawal, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, to Oman,

Robert Rostek, Ambassador of the Republic of Poland to Oman,

Archbishop Nicolas Henry Marie Denis Thevenin, Ambassador of the Vatican to the Sultanate of Oman,

Bulgan Enkhtuvshin, Ambassador of Mongolia to the Sultanate of Oman,

David Velasquez Caraballo, Ambassador of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to Oman,

Mogobo David Magabe, Ambassador of the Republic of South Africa to Oman.

and Liselotte Plesner, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Denmark to Oman.

During their meetings with His Majesty, the Ambassadors conveyed the greetings of the leaders of their countries to His Majesty and their wishes for good health, happiness and a long life for His Majesty and for continued development, prosperity and growth for the Omani people.

They said they were happy and honoured to present their credentials to His Majesty, assuring him of their utmost efforts to promote relations between their countries and the Sultanate to serve the mutual interests of the Omani people and the peoples of their countries.

His Majesty welcomed the Ambassadors and thanked the leaders of their countries for their greetings and good wishes. His Majesty assured them that they would receive all support from His Majesty, the Government and people of Oman in the performance of their duties.

The ceremony was attended by the Minister of the Diwan of Royal Court, the Foreign Minister of Oman, the Commander of the Omani Royal Guard, the Chief of Royal Protocol and His Majesty's military escort.

This is an unofficial English version of an Arabic report. To view the official Arabic text, click here.