The Foreign Minister meets his Romanian counterpart

Foreign Minister meets Romanian counterpart

Published On: 17 February 2024

Oman's Foreign Minister Sayyid Badr Albusaidi met with Luminita Odobescu, Foreign Minister of the Republic of Romania, on the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference in Germany.

During the meeting, the Ministers stressed the common desire to develop cooperation and mutual interests between the two friendly countries.

The Ministers also discussed the current humanitarian catastrophe in the Gaza Strip. They stressed the importance of dialogue to achieve mutual understanding, security, stability and justice for all through the effective application of the rules of international law.

The Ministers said the highest priority was an immediate ceasefire to allow the delivery of aid and urgent relief materials.

The meeting was attended by Maithaa Saif Majid Al Mahrouqi, Oman's Ambassador to Germany, and a number of officials from Oman and Romania.

This is an unofficial English version of an Arabic report. To view the official Arabic text, click here.