Foreign Minister meets Croatian Foreign Minister

Foreign Minister holds talks with Croatian counterpart

Published On: 20 March 2024

Oman's Foreign Minister Sayyid Badr Albusaidi held political talks with the Croatian Minister of Foreign and European Affairs, Gordan Grlić Radman, at the Croatian Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs in Zagreb.

The session focused on ways to develop bilateral cooperation and trade. It explored promising areas for developing partnerships in green economy projects, renewable energy, information technology, digital transformation, food security and tourism. The discussion also covered ways to enhance links in logistics, transport, storage, and collaboration in small and medium-sized enterprises.

There was also an exchange of views on current regional and international developments, with a focus on the situation in Ukraine as well as the consequences of the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip and the Israeli occupation forces' blockade.

Sayyid Badr stressed the urgent need for a permanent ceasefire and facilitating the delivery all types of humanitarian relief into Gaza. He called for the launch of a process to establish a two-state solution to achieve justice and security for all, according to the principles of international law.

In the context of enhancing bilateral cooperation, the two countries signed a memorandum of understanding regarding further political consultations.

The negotiation session was attended by Oman's Ambassador to Croatia, Yusuf bin Ahmad Al Jabri; Croatia's Ambassador to Oman, Drago Lovrić, and a number of Omani and Croatian officials.

The Ministers also held a press conference where they spoke of the history of good relations between Oman and Croatia. They said their relations are based on mutual trust, respect and cooperation, with the potential for partnership in various economic, cultural, and scientific fields.

The two countries agreed to sign further agreements, memoranda of understanding and cooperation programmes in various areas, including education, culture, tourism and investment in renewable energy.

With regard to  regional and international issues of mutual interest,  Oman and Croatia agreed to continue consultation and coordination within the framework of international organisations and their different agencies to address security, economic, climate, and environmental challenges.

Both Ministers  spoke of the need to stop the war on the Gaza Strip and expedite the delivery of humanitarian aid. They said they are committed to actively translating the decisions and will of the international community into practical reality, based on a two-state solution and the establishment of an independent Palestinian state, aiming for just and lasting peace in the Middle East.

This is an unofficial English version of an Arabic report. To view the official Arabic text, click here.
