The Sultanate of Oman participates in the third session of the Arab Economic and Cooperation Forum, the countries of Central Asia and Azerbaijan in Doha

Oman at session of Arab Forum with Central Asia and Azerbaijan

Published On: 30 April 2024

The Sultanate of Oman took part in the Arab Economic and Cooperation Forum with the countries of Central Asia and Azerbaijan. The third session of the Forum was hosted by the State of Qatar in the capital, Doha.

The forum aims to promote coordination and political consultation between Arab countries, Central Asian countries and Azerbaijan. It seeks to develop economic, cultural and social cooperation and activate partnerships and initiatives between all the parties.

The Sultanate of Oman participates in the third session of the Arab Economic and Cooperation Forum, the countries of Central Asia and Azerbaijan in Doha

The Sultanate was represented by Sheikh Khalifa Alharthy, Foreign Ministry Undersecretary for Political Affairs, and Dr Saleh bin Saeed Musan, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Investment Promotion.

The delegation also included Abdullah bin Nasser Al Rahbi, Oman’s Ambassador to the Arab Republic of Egypt; Sayyid Ammar Albusaidi, Oman’s Ambassador to the State of Qatar, and officials from the Foreign Ministry and the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Investment Promotion.

This is an unofficial English version of an Arabic report. To view the official Arabic text, click here.