The Basic Statute of the State is Oman’s constitution representing the highest legislative authority in the Sultanate of Oman. It regulates all the institutions of the State and its relations with all individuals – be they citizens or residents.


It decrees that His Majesty the Sultan is Head of State and Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces. He is the symbol of national unity and its guardian.

Under the Basic Statute, the Council of Ministers assists the Sultan in formulating State policy and is entrusted with its implementation.

The Basic Statute makes ‘Shura’ the founding principle of Omani political life.

‘Shura’ is the system that embodies a process of participation and consultation, based on a long-standing and deeply rooted tradition among Omanis where formal and informal processes make sure the whole community can play an active role in the making of key decisions.

The Basic Statute therefore establishes the Council of Oman (Majlis Oman) as the competent body to pass or amend laws. The Council of Oman is made up of two chambers: the Shura Council (Majlis A’Shura) which is directly elected and the State Council (Majlis A’Dawla) which is appointed by Royal Decree. The Council of Oman also discusses development plans and the state budget in addition to other powers as set out in the law.

The Basic Statute stipulates that the rule of law shall be the basis of governance in the State. It lays down that the judiciary shall be independent – interference in lawsuits or the affairs of justice is a crime. Anyone accused of a crime is innocent until proven guilty in a trial in which the right of defence in accordance with the law is guaranteed.

The Basic Statute establishes the principles that guide the policy of the State, which include reinforcing ties of cooperation and reaffirming friendly relations with all states and peoples based on mutual respect, non-interference and adherence to international and regional treaties and the principles of international law.

It stipulates that the State shall guarantee freedom of economic activity based on social justice, fairness, equality of opportunity between citizens and a balance between public and private activity. Private ownership is legally safeguarded.

The Basic Statute also establishes the principles that the family is the basis of society and that the State works to maintain its cohesion and stability.

The State also guarantees equality between men and women.

The Basic Statute lays down that all citizens are equal before the Law and share the same public rights and duties. There shall be no discrimination amongst them on the ground of gender, origin, colour, language, religion, sect, domicile, or social status.

Under the Basic Statute, the State provides social insurance services to citizens, guaranteeing aid in case of emergency, sickness, disability or old age. It also provides health care services and the means to prevent and treat diseases and epidemics.

The Basic Statute further establishes that work is a right and an honour for every citizen within the limits of the law.

Education is also a right for every citizen and is compulsory up to the end of basic education. The State ensures the independence of universities and admission to higher education for all on an equal footing on the basis of efficiency and merit.

The State guarantees freedom of scientific research and supports scientific institutions. It encourages intellectual innovation and the development of arts and literature.

The Basic Statute defines the public rights and duties of citizens and residents in the Sultanate. A safe and secure life and dignity are the rights of every human being and the State is committed to respect and protect these rights in accordance with the law.

The Basic Statute of the State emphasises that every resident, who is legally present in the Sultanate shall enjoy protection for himself and his property in accordance with the law. Every resident shall adhere to the laws of the Sultanate, observe the values of society, and respect its traditions and sentiments.