Undersecretary for Administrative and Financial Affairs receives Ambassadors credentials

Administrative Undersecretary receives Ambassadors' credentials

Published On: 2 June 2024

Foreign Ministry Undersecretary for Administrative and Financial Affairs, Khalid Almuslahi, received copies of the credentials of a number of Ambassadors appointed to the Sultanate of Oman.

These included: Razim Čolić, Ambassador Designate of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the Sultanate of Oman (see photo above);

Roberto Ebert Grob, Ambassador of the Republic of Chile to the Sultanate of Oman ( see photo below);

Undersecretary for Administrative and Financial Affairs receives Ambassadors

Dan Munyuza, Ambassador designate of the Republic of Rwanda to the Sultanate of Oman;

Undersecretary for Administrative and Financial Affairs receives Ambassadors credentials

Jacques Jacob Nahiu Andre, Ambassador designate of the Republic of Burundi to the Sultanate of Oman;

Undersecretary for Administrative and Financial Affairs receives Ambassadors credentials

Nikoloz Revazishvili, Ambassador designate of the Republic of  Georgia to the Sultanate of Oman;

Undersecretary for Administrative and Financial Affairs4

Miroslav Sestovič, Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia to the Sultanate of Oman.

Undersecretary for Administrative and Financial Affairs4

Uk Sarun, Ambassador designate of the Kingdom of Cambodia to the Sultanate of Oman.

Undersecretary for Administrative and Financial Affairs4

The Undersecretary wished them success in their work and for further progress and development in bilateral relations.

This is an unofficial English version of an Arabic report. To view the official Arabic text, click here.