Foreign-Minister-Sayyid-Badr-Albusaidi-meets-Haja-Habib-Foreign-Minister-of Foreign-Belgium

Belgian Foreign Minister delivers message for His Majesty

Published On: 9 June 2023

His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik received a written message from His Majesty King of the Belgians.

It was handed over today to Foreign Minister Sayyid Badr Albusaidi, when he received the Belgian Foreign Minister Hadja Lahbib,  during her official visit to Oman.

The message deals with the bilateral relations between Oman and Belgium.

During the meeting, the visiting Minister conveyed the greetings of King Phillippe to His Majesty. She expressed Belgium's sincere appreciation and thanks for Oman's role in the release of a Belgian citizen and citizens of both Austria and Denmark within the framework of a humanitarian settlement between her country and Iran.

The two Ministers praised the progress in relations between Oman and Belgium in commercial, economic, investment and cultural fields, commending, as an example, the cooperation and partnership between the ports of Duqm and Antwerp.

They also discussed the importance of continuing to work to expand and diversify Oman and Belgium's common interests, especially in the fields of renewable energy, green hydrogen production and logistics,

The two Ministers also discussed the two countries' shared interest in expanding cultural, academic and student exchange programmes, cooperation in the field of science and technology  as well as the continued promotion of tourism and investment opportunities between the two friendly countries. ‏

The two Ministers also reviewed developments of mutual concern in the regional and international arenas. They agreed on the importance of continuing to consult and exchange views in the context of a shared desire to address issues through peaceful dialogue, in order to pursue security and stability.

The meeting was attended from the Omani Foreign Ministry by Ambassador Khalid Almuslahi, Head of the Minister's Office; Ambassador Sheikh Humaid bin Almaani, Head of the International Affairs Department; Ambassador Afkar Alfarsi, Head of the Department of International Trade, Knowledge Economy and Technology, as well as a number of officials.

Representing Belgium in the meeting were: Pascal Gregoire, Ambassador-Designate of the Kingdom of Belgium to Oman, Reggy Vermeulen, Belgium's Honorary Consul to Oman and the delegation accompanying the Minister.

This is an unofficial English version of an Arabic report. To view the official Arabic text, click here.