
Oman reaffirms legitimacy of Palestinian cause

Published On: 2 December 2021

The Sultanate of Oman has underlined the fairness of the Palestinian cause and the legitimacy of the Palestinian people’s demands for independence. Oman also stressed its support for efforts to secure peace in the Middle East and other areas of the world,

In a speech to the 76th session of the United Nations (UN) in New York, Oman supported the two-state solution and the Palestinian people’s call for the establishment of their own state, with East Jerusalem as its capital, in accordance with international law, resolutions of the Security Council and the Arab Peace Initiative.

At the UN session, dedicated to Article 39 in relation to Palestinian issues, Dr Mohammed Awadh Alhassan, Oman’s Permanent Representative to the UN, speaking on behalf of the Sultanate said: “This is not the first time that the UN has met to discuss Palestine, which has been one of the key issues on the UN agenda since its creation in 1945.”

Dr Alhassan said that despite all international resolutions passed by the Security Council and global support for the termination of Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, the occupation continues, as do settlement practices and other forms of exacerbation and provocation that arouse Palestinian sentiments, especially with regard to sacred lands.

Dr Alhassan said Oman expressed its concern over the perpetuation of policies of aggression, settlement, military escalation and atrocities against the Palestinian people, especially women and children. He noted that such practices do not serve the cause of peace.

“Israel’s lack of respect for international law and the international community’s inaction in shouldering its responsibilities towards the Palestinian people have been the main reason why so many immeasurable violations have been committed against the Palestinian people. These practices have caused real tragedy to the Palestinian people, who have become isolated from the world—a situation that should not go unchallenged,” added Dr Alhassan, speaking for Oman.

He reiterated Oman's advocacy for the option of peace and urged Israel to take steps towards peace in a manner that paves the way for a new era of cooperation and coexistence among peoples of the Middle East, setting an end to the conflict which, he noted, had a negative impact on stability and development in the region.

At the conclusion of his speech on behalf of Oman, Dr Alhassan urged the international community to work together for the establishment of a fair and lasting peace in the Middle East to help safeguard the interests and rights of all parties. “The strategic option of a peaceful settlement to the Middle East conflict cannot be realised without respect for international law and recourse to justice,” he said.

This is an unofficial English translation of the original Arabic text. To view the official Arabic text, click here.