Message from the Ambassador

Dhaka-AmbassadorDear visitor,

It is my pleasure to welcome you to the official page of the Embassy of the Sultanate of Oman in Dhaka.

The Embassy, in line with the directives of Oman’s Foreign Ministry, works relentlessly to boost cooperation and further consolidate the existing friendly relations between Oman and Bangladesh.

Visitors to this page can view a summary of bilateral relations between Oman and Bangladesh. The page also provides information about how to contact the Embassy and access the services it provides, as well as links to other important sites.

Once again, I welcome visitors to this page, dedicating our services to you.

With warm wishes,

Abdul Ghaffar Albulushi
Ambassador of the Sultanate of Oman to the People’s Republic of Bangladesh.

Bilateral relations

Bangladesh and Oman enjoy warm, cordial and friendly bilateral relations.

Oman was one of the first Arab countries to support Bangladesh’s membership of the United Nations and other international organisations. Oman hosts more than 600,000 Bangladeshi workers and professionals in different sectors.

Bangladesh established its diplomatic mission in Oman in March 1983 at the level of charge d’affaires and upgraded this mission to ambassador level in 1995.

Early in 2001, Oman opened a representative office in Dhaka. In 2012 the Sultanate established a fully-fledged Embassy in Dhaka at the level of chargé d’affaires.

On October 2nd, 2022, the Government of the Sultanate of Oman upgraded its diplomatic representation to ambassadorial level by appointing Abdul Ghaffar Albulushi as its first ambassador to the People’s Republic of Bangladesh.

The two friendly countries maintain close contact, and enjoy cordial and constructive bilateral relations with a view to serving the interests of both countries.

Consular services

The Embassy in Dhaka provides a range of consular services both for Omani citizens and Bangladesh nationals and others. These include (but are not limited to):

  • Handling visa applications of different categories (for more information click here)
  • Replacing lost passports of Omani citizens (for more information click here)
  • Providing emergency aid to stranded Omani citizens (for more information click here)
  • Providing advice on business opportunities (for more information click here)
  • Attestation (legalisation) of various documents (personal, legal, academic, trade and others) (for more information click here)

Key objectives

The Omani Embassy in Dhaka works to achieve various objectives that include:

  • Strengthening existing bilateral relations and taking them to new heights
  • Promoting trade and investment opportunities between the two countries with a special focus on the blue economy, shipbuilding, ICT and climate change.
  • Enhancing security cooperation and defence training collaboration
  • Encouraging cultural, academic and scientific exchanges

Political and diplomatic cooperation

On April 4th, 2015, Bangladesh and Oman signed a memorandum of understanding to hold regular Foreign Office Consultations (FOC).

The first FOC between Oman and Bangladesh was held online on June 8th, 2021. Bangladesh was represented by Foreign Secretary Masud Bin Momen while the Omani side was represented by Sheikh Khalifa Alharthy, Diplomatic Undersecretary of Oman’s Foreign Ministry.

On March 24th, 2022, an Omani delegation led by Undersecretary of Diplomatic Affairs Sheikh Khalifa Alharthy visited Bangladesh and met Dr A.K. Abdul Momen M.P., Foreign Minister of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. The two sides exchanged views on exploring new areas of collaboration.

On 24th March, 2022 the Government of the Sultanate of Oman and the People’s Republic of Bangladesh also signed an agreement on mutual visa exemption for holders of diplomatic, official, special and service passports which came into force on July 14th, 2022.

Trade and investment

The Omani mission in Dhaka works to promote trade and investment as a top priority.

Oman and Bangladesh have huge opportunities and potential to explore to their mutual benefit, particularly in the fields of the blue economy, shipbuilding, ICT and climate change.

Cultural, educational and scientific exchanges

The Government of the Sultanate of Oman works to promote cultural understanding for the mutual benefit of the two friendly countries through educational, scientific and cultural exchanges.