
Oman Participates in International Conference to Support Lebanese People.

Published On: 4 August 2021

The Sultanate, represented by the Foreign Ministry, today participated in the third
international conference to support the brotherly people of Lebanon.
The virtual conference was headed by Emanuel Macron, French President. It was
conducted in cooperation with the United Nations (UN) on the occasion of one year
passing since the explosion in the Port of Beirut.
The Foreign Ministry was represented by Sheikh Khalifa Ali al-Harthy, Undersecretary for
Diplomatic Affairs.
Sheikh Khalifa affirmed the Sultanate’s stance supporting the brotherly Lebanese
Republic in facing their current circumstances.

The conference aims to mobilize international solidarity and to boost the efforts exerted
to provide aids for the brotherly people of Lebanon.

This is an unofficial English translation of the original Arabic text. To view the
official Arabic text click here.
