
Foreign Minister heads Omani delegation to GCC Ministerial Council

Published On: 7 April 2022

Foreign Minister Sayyid Badr Albusaidi headed the delegation of the Sultanate of Oman to the 151st session of the Ministerial Council of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf, which was held in the Saudi capital, Riyadh.

During the meeting, a number of reports were reviewed on the implementation of the decisions of the Supreme Council issued by the 42nd summit in Riyadh. The meeting also reviewed  memoranda and reports submitted by the ministerial and technical committees and the General Secretariat of the Council as well as topics related to dialogues and strategic relations between the GCC countries and international countries and blocs. The latest regional and international developments were also discussed.

The Ministerial Council heard a briefing from His Excellency Hans Grundberg, the United Nations Special Envoy for Yemen, on the developments of his efforts towards achieving security and stability in Yemen.

The meeting was attended by His Highness Sayyid Faisal bin Turki Al Said, Oman's ambassador to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the delegation accompanying the Foreign Minister.

This is an unofficial English translation of the original Arabic text. To view the official Arabic text, click here.