Sayyid Badr in talks with Algerian Foreign Minister

Foreign Minister holds talks with Algerian counterpart

Published On: 9 May 2024

Oman's Foreign Minister Sayyid Badr Albusaidi held a session of political discussions with Ahmed Attaf, Foreign Minister of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria. The meeting took place during Sayyid Badr's official visit to Algeria.

The Ministers discussed bilateral relations and developing cooperation to serve the common interests Oman and Algeria. They also consulted on preparations for the next session of the Omani-Algerian Joint Committee later this year in Algeria.

Sayyid Badr in talks with Algerian Foreign Minister

The Ministers also discussed regional and international issues of common interest, agreeing on the importance of enhancing cooperation and coordination between Oman and Algeria in facing current challenges.

They expressed their countries' support for the efforts being made to stop the escalation and all acts of violence in the Gaza Strip and to secure a ceasefire. They agreed on the necessity of reaching an agreement to ensure reason and logic, to stop further civilian  bloodshed, to facilitate the entry of relief supplies and humanitarian and to secure the return of the displaced and the release of prisoners and detainees.

The Ministers also stressed the importance of adhering to the rules of international law and of the international community fulfilling its responsibilities in recognising the State of Palestine. They also agreed on the need to advance efforts to convene an international peace conference to implement the international will to establish and sustain a two-state solution and end the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories.

This is an unofficial English version of an Arabic report. To view the official Arabic text, click here.
