His Excellency the Minister of Foreign Affairs discusses with his Iranian counterpart a number of issues

Foreign Minister meets Iranian Foreign Minister in Tehran

Published On: 4 December 2023

Oman's Foreign Minister, Sayyid Badr Albusaidi, met in Tehran with Dr Hossein Amir Abdollahian, Foreign Minister of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

The Ministers discussed the painful developments in Gaza and the humanitarian and political efforts being made to get relief aid into the Strip. They agreed on their support for the Palestinian cause and called on Israel to end its brutal attacks and to lift the siege.

Sayyid Badr said, “We discussed the tragic situation in the Gaza Strip and the continued military operations by the Israeli occupation forces targeting civilians, public facilities, hospitals and schools.”

He called on  the international community to stop the war and restore peace and security.

The Minister said Oman would continue to work closely with Iran and others to contain the crisis and to direct the world’s attention to the Israeli occupation of Palestinian and Arab lands. He said there could be no security and stability without the establishment of an independent Palestinian state.

The Ministers also discussed ways to develop the mutual interests of Oman and Iran.

His Excellency the Foreign Minister discusses with his Iranian counterpart a number of issues

Sayyid Badr said the twentieth session of the Joint Committee between Oman and Iran would be held on Monday.

“We have recently seen positive developments in cooperation in trade, tourism, culture and education. We look forward to a prosperous future, especially in areas such as renewable energy, food and water security and health care,” he said.

The Minister said constructive consultation was important to confront regional challenges.

Also at the meeting were Khalid Almuslahi, Foreign Ministry Undersecretary for Administrative and Financial Affairs, Ambassador Ibrahim bin Ahmed Almuaini, Oman's Ambassador to Iran, and officials from the Foreign Ministries of Oman and Iran.

This is an unofficial English version of an Arabic report. To view the official Arabic text, click here.


His Excellency the Foreign Minister discusses with his Iranian counterpart a number of issues