The start of the 43rd extraordinary session of the Ministerial Council of the Gulf Cooperation Council in Muscat

GCC Foreign Ministers send message to Brazilian Presidency of UN Security Council

Published On: 22 October 2023

The GCC Foreign Ministers today sent a message to Brazil, which holds the Presidency of the UN Security Council.

In the message to Brazil's Permanent Representative at United Nations, the GCC Ministers express their regret that the Security Council has been unable to adopt a consensus resolution to put an end to the serious situation in the Gaza Strip and its repercussions.

The message says that the GCC states are fully prepared to work with the Security Council to adopt a resolution that puts an end to the crisis, in accordance with international resolutions, treaties and laws (including Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338), and that confirms the international consensus on resolving this conflict on the basis of the two-state solution, to enable Palestinians and Israelis to live side by side in security and peace.

The message says the GCC Foreign Ministers’ are ready to meet with Brazil's Permanent Representative and members of the Security Council in New York and to hold urgent discussions to adopt such a resolution.

The message states the commitment of the GCC Foreign Ministers to the unified Gulf position on the solution to the current conflict. The message says it is essential for all parties, especially the Israeli party, to commit to stopping all illegal acts and to comply fully with international and humanitarian law.

It also underlines the necessity of immediately releasing hostages and detainees and categorically rejecting the use of violence and military force that target civilians.

The message also restates the GCC countries’ commitment of an immediate $100 million to support regional and international humanitarian efforts to provide relief aid to Gaza.

This is an unofficial English version of an Arabic report. To view the official Arabic text, click here.

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