
Omani diplomats donate blood on World Blood Donors Day

Published On: 14 June 2023

Oman's embassies all over the world and the Foreign Ministry's headquarters in Muscat are today marking World Blood Donors Day, with a humanitarian initiative that goes beyond the usual roles of diplomatic missions and embassies.

Omani diplomats, their families and employees of the Sultanate’s embassies visited hospitals in the countries where they are based to donate blood.

Staff at the Foreign Ministry's headquarters in Muscat also donated blood thanks to a visit from a specialised team from Sultan Qaboos University Hospital.

This humanitarian initiative is part of the Foreign Ministry’s strategy to support the health sector and raise awareness of the importance of blood donation as a humanitarian activity. It helps meet the increasing demand for blood in hospitals and medical centres around the world.

The blood donation initiative also encourages the Ministry's employees to demonstrate the value of showing humanitarian concern, selflessness, social responsibility and partnership. It aims to encourage an expansion of charitable work.

The voluntary blood donation initiative received an excellent response from the Foreign Ministry’s employees and from Oman's diplomatic missions abroad. This reflects an awareness of the benevolent culture of Omani society as well as sincere belief in the importance of this humanitarian work.

This is an unofficial English version of an Arabic report. To view the official Arabic text, click here.