His Majesty at Eid Al Fitr prayers

His Majesty performs Eid Al Fitr prayers

Published On: 10 April 2024

The Sultanate of Oman today celebrated the first day of Eid al-Fitr.

His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik Al Said performed the Eid al-Fitr prayer for the year 1445 AH at the Sayyida Fatima bint Ali Mosque in the Wilayat of A’Seeb, Governorate of Muscat.

The prayers were led by Dr Sheikh Mohammed bin Saeed Al Maamari, Minister of Endowments and Religious Affairs, who delivered the Eid sermon. He began by expressing gratitude for the Almighty Allah’s bounties and prayers for His messenger, Prophet Mohammed.

The sermon dealt with the generosity that God had bestowed upon Oman a solid trilogy: leadership, people and land supported by a unified will, shared responsibility and collective determination.

It said Oman lived in a harmony that embodied stability and continuous growth on a land that was the basis of identity and citizenship in which the leader sought and shared the common good.

The sermon said people were living in a renaissance of work and construction in a bond of brotherhood, unity of class and unity of word that awakened the conscience to the preservation of morals, compassion and peace.

Below is the text of the sermon:

“Allah is Greater than the kindness bestowed in abundance.

Allah is greater than successive gifts without number.

Allahu-Akbar…Allahu-Akbar (God is Great).

There is no God but Allah, and Allah is great.

To Him belongs dominion, favour, and praise and to Him praise for what He has decreed. For His blessings and uniqueness, I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and that Mohammad is the Messenger of Allah, may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him, and upon his companions and his household, without counting: “Say, O servants of those who believe, fear your Lord.” For those who do good in this world the earth of Allah is spacious. Only the patient will be given their reward in full, without reckoning.

O believers:

Time turns and events are renewed with it. The years, months and days are nothing but mirrors of our experiences, leaving in our existence a touch of wisdom and lesson, and every end of an event is the birth of a new event, and from here the end of the month of fasting was the beginning of a life that continues with goodness and commitment and confirms the values of our faith, so that we can live with a deeper spiritual awareness, as fasting from desires is a permanent commitment.

Fasting does not stop shortcomings, and so do all acts of worship: “Say, ‘Indeed, my prayer, my sacrifice, my living, and my death belong to Allah, Lord of the worlds. He has no partner, and with that I have been commanded, and I am the first to touch, “Lameen”.

Ramadan is a prominent station in the greater spiritual journey, where worship and closeness to Allah offer self-awareness, self-transcendence, goodness of life, and constant connection with the Creator. He, may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family, said: Islam is built on five principles: testifying that there is no God but Allah, and that Mohammad is the Messenger of God, establishing prayer, paying zakat, fasting Ramadan and performing the Hajj to the House of the Almighty Allah for whoever is able to make their way to it.

Allahu-Akbar…Allahu-Akbar (God is Great).

There is no God but Allah, and Allah is great

Dear people:

In a world that is becoming increasingly complex, intertwined, and turbulent, awakening the human conscience and renewing our commitment to common values are two important matters. To preserve our humanity, and preserve what remains of morality and compassion based on the statement of the truth: “And We have honoured the children of Adam and carried them on land and sea and provided them with good things and favoured them over many of those whom We created with distinction.”

Conscience is a moral compass that pushes towards a world of justice, mercy, and peace. A conscience that is alert to the voice of its fellow man always reminds us that we are part of a larger fabric, belonging to the general humanity, and we work for the sake of man wherever he is. This is the goal of all messages: “And We have not sent you except as a mercy to the world.”

In the heart of every human being lies a conscience capable of feeling for others and embracing the collective spirit of humanity. Awakening conscience is only for the sake of building bridges of empathy and compassion among us, rising above the causes of our differences, believing that the good we offer today contributes to building a better tomorrow for all.

O believers:

After we witnessed together the joy of fasting the blessed month of Ramadan, and we came together in obedience, worship, and closeness to Allah, and we consolidated the meanings of cooperation, harmony, and solidarity in a sublime scene of faith, here we are today sharing this joyful holiday, in which the values of love and harmony are strengthened, and images of brotherhood are evident and interconnected, so we hasten to congratulate each other with smiling, joyful faces, pure and brotherly souls and sincere prayers.

We thank Allah as He deserves His praise for His generous bounty for how we live in this dear country in brotherhood, unity of class, unity of word and with various blessings and innumerable favours.

Allahu-Akbar…Allahu-Akbar (God is Great)

There is no God but Allah, and Allah is great.

May Allah bestow upon us His generosity in Oman with a solid trilogy: leadership, people, and land supported by a unified will, shared responsibility, and collective determination so we live together in a harmony that embodies stability and continuous growth on land that is the basis of identity and citizenship with a the leader that seeks the common good and with whom the people participate in renaissance, work, and construction.

Love for the homeland is a spirit that unites us to connect our hearts to the soil of this land and every step we take towards its progress is a sign of victory for our souls, and every drop of loyalty we shed for the sake of the homeland waters the tree of the future that will shade our coming generations.

Allahu-Akbar…Allahu-Akbar (God is Great).

There is no God but Allah, and Allah is great.

“Indeed, Allah and His angels send blessings upon the Prophet. O you who have believed, bless him and grant him peace with complete salutation.”

Prayer and peace be upon you, O Messenger of Allah.

O Allah, extend upon us your blessings, mercy, grace and provision.

Oh Allah, treat us with your benevolence, treat us with your gratitude and protect us with your mercy and forgiveness.

Oh Allah, protect our homeland, Oman, with security and prosperity, possessing all goodness, safe from all evil.

O Allah, support our Sultan Haitham with glory and empowerment and open for him the conquests of goodness, the measure of determination and the bestower of blessings. O Allah, surround him with majesty from Yourself. Water and the light of your kindness surrounds it.”

This is an unofficial English version of an Arabic report. To view the official Arabic text, click here.