Omani Tunisian Joint Committee meeting

Joint statement of 16th session of Joint Omani-Tunisian Committee

Published On: 31 January 2024

In response to the kind invitation of Sayyid Badr Albusaidi, Foreign Minister of the Sultanate of Oman, Nabil Ammar, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Immigration and Tunisians Abroad, made an official visit to Oman on January 30th and 31st.

In an atmosphere of friendship and brotherhood, and based on the close fraternal relations and deep historical and cultural ties that unite the Sultanate of Oman and the Republic of Tunisia, the meetings of the 16th session of the Omani-Tunisian Joint Committee were held in Muscat on January 31st.

The meetings were jointly chaired by Sayyid Badr Albusaidi. Foreign Minister for Oman and Nabil Ammar, Minister of Foreign Affairs, for Tunisia, with the participation of members of the delegations of the two countries representing various sectors concerned with bilateral cooperation.

Oman and Tunisia praised the distinguished level reached by relations between the two countries thanks to the high directives of His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik and his brother, President Kais Saied.

The Tunisian delegation appreciated the distinguished role played by the Sultanate of Oman, under the wise leadership of His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik and his historical positions towards just Arab and international issues, to establish the foundations of security and peace, regionally and internationally.

For its part, the Omani delegation praised the pioneering role played by the Republic of Tunisia under the wise leadership of President Kais Saied to consolidate peace and stability at the regional and international levels, and his tireless efforts to establish a just,  solidarity-based international community.

The two delegations reviewed the existing cooperation between the two brotherly countries, and stressed the need to move forward to work towards improving bilateral cooperation in all fields, especially economic, commercial, investment, industrial, tourism, and other promising fields. They  praised what the two sides achieved during the work of this committee by signing 14 agreements, memoranda of understanding and executive programmes that will open new horizons for cooperation between Oman and Tunisias in order to achieve their aspirations and hopes.

As part of political consultation and coordination, developments and issues taking place in the region were discussed. The two sides affirmed their solidarity and support for the steadfastness and sacrifices of the Palestinian people in the face of the brutal Israeli aggression. They stressed the importance of the international community obliging the occupation to stop its blatant aggression against the Palestinian territories, and its violation of international law and international humanitarian law, by punishing the perpetrators of crimes against the brotherly Palestinian people. They stressed the necessity of taking practical action to enable the Palestinian people to regain their legitimate rights.

Oman and Tunisia also expressed their hope to overcome the crises that some Arab countries are suffering from, through a political solution that preserves their unity and national sovereignty, guarantees their security and stability and fulfils the aspirations of their people for development and prosperity. They stressed the importance of international relations being dominated by the principles of justice, fairness and cooperation, and the adoption of dialogue as a means of resolving conflicts and differences, in order to achieve the stability of countries and the well-being of peoples.

At the conclusion of the committee meetings, Nabil Ammar, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Immigration and Tunisians Abroad, renewed his expression of thanks and appreciation for the warm reception and generous hospitality typical of the brothers in the Sultanate of Oman. He also expressed his aspiration to host the work of the 17th session of the Omani-Tunisian Joint Committee in the Republic of Tunisia.

This is an unofficial English version of an Arabic report. To view the official Arabic text, click here.
