
Joint statement of GCC Central Asia Summit

Published On: 19 July 2023

The joint statement of the summit of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf  (GCC) and Central Asian States, held in Jeddah in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia today,  speaks of the importance of strengthening political and strategic relations between the two sides at the collective and bilateral levels.

It also says it is important to continue political coordination to achieve regional and international security and stability and to confront challenges.

The statement says it is vital to work together to ensure the flexibility of supply chains while improving transportation and communication, food security, energy security and water security.

The statement also calls for increased cooperation in developing renewable, green energy sources and technologies, creating business opportunities, supporting investment opportunities and increasing trade.


The closing statement praises the cultural diversity, openness and rich history of the GCC and Central Asian countries, stressing that tolerance and peaceful coexistence are among the most important values and principles for relations between nations and societies.

The statement also says it is important to build strategic and political dialogue between the countries of the GCC and Central Asian countries. It calls for a strengthening of partnership in various fields, including political and security dialogue, economic and investment cooperation, enhancing communication between peoples and exchanging best practice and experience.

The statement says this should apply to fields such as education, culture, youth affairs, tourism, media and sports in accordance with the agreed joint action plan for the period (2023-2027).

The statement says it is important to continue efforts to build trade and economic cooperation and encourage joint investment. It calls for a strengthening of relations between financial and economic institutions and for business sectors on both sides to achieve mutual benefits by exploring areas of cooperation and the opportunities available to provide an attractive environment for the business sector, trade, joint investments and economic cooperation.

The statement says the leaders will aim to achieve integration over available opportunities and develop investment fields, discuss development priorities and exchange experiences in light of the joint action plan.

In the statement, the leaders also stressed the importance of continuing cooperation between the countries of the GCC and Central Asia in international forums and organisations, such as the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, to help meet the economic challenges facing the world.

The statement also speaks of the importance of developing transport routes to connect the two regions, building strong logistical and commercial networks and developing effective systems that contribute to the exchange of products.

The statement indicates that the leaders agreed to enhance cooperation in the fields of higher education, scientific research and vocational training.

It says they will seek to encourage cooperation between universities and scientific research centres and provide educational opportunities in technical universities for students from the GCC and Central Asian countries. They will also seek to exchange expertise and experience through communication between experts and education specialists.

The statement also mentions the importance of enhancing cooperation in the field of youth and sports, exchanging experiences and coordinating positions in elections to regional, continental and international sports federations. In this regard the statement notes Qatar's hosting of the 2023 Asian Cup.

The statement also stresses the need to strengthen cooperation in the field of green energy, the digital economy, innovation and green technology, calling for investments to implement new projects between the two sides in these important areas

The statement says the leaders welcome the decision of Saudi Arabia to host an investment forum between the GCC countries and the countries of Central Asia in the last quarter of this year. It also welcomes the initiatives of the Republics of Turkmenistan and Kyrgyzstan to host an investment forum between the countries of the Cooperation Council and the countries of Central Asia in 2024.

The statement reviews the regional and international issues discussed by the leaders, where they agreed on the importance of concerted efforts to achieve peace, security, stability and prosperity in all parts of the world.

It says the leaders agreed it should be a  priority to restore international peace and security, through mutual respect and cooperation between countries to achieve development and progress, based on the principles of good neighbourliness.

The leaders agreed that central to this are respect for the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of states, non-interference in their internal affairs, not using force or the threat of force and the preservation of the international order based on the principles of international law and the Charter of the United Nations.

The statement says the leaders stressed that the increasing risk of nuclear confrontation between nuclear-armed countries constitutes a serious and unacceptable threat to international peace and security, adding that the use of nuclear weapons should never be allowed.

In the joint statement, the leaders express their condemnation of terrorism, whatever its sources, rejecting all its forms and manifestations and calling for clamping down on its sources of financing.

The leaders also expressed their determination to strengthen regional and international efforts to combat terrorism and extremism and to prevent the financing, arming, and recruitment to terrorist groups by all individuals and entities.

In the statement the leaders note the results of the high-level conference on international and regional cooperation in the field of border security and management in order to combat terrorism and prevent the movement of terrorists,  held in October 2022 in Dushanbe. They also note the results of the ministerial meeting of the Global Coalition Against “ISIS” , held in June 2023 in Riyadh.

The leaders affirm their commitment to continue supporting all international and regional efforts to combat terrorist organisations and address all activities that threaten security and stability. The leaders note that tolerance and coexistence among nations and peoples are among the most important principles and values upon which relations between states and societies are based.

The Secretary General of the GCC Jasem bin Muhammad Al Budaiwi, gave a press conference after the conclusion of the eighteenth consultative meeting of its Supreme Council.

He said the meeting reviewed developments in the joint Gulf action process and exchange views on a number of regional and international issues.

The Secretary General said that His Highness Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, Emir of the State of Qatar, expressed his deep appreciation for the efforts made by the Sultanate of Oman during its presidency of the current session of the Supreme Council. He said His Highness invited leaders to Qatar for the meeting of the next session of the Supreme Council.

This is an unofficial English version of an Arabic report. To view the official Arabic text, click here.