
Conference on tackling human trafficking begins

Published On: 30 January 2023

A conference on combating human trafficking began in Muscat today to explore how best to address the challenge of this crime.

The three-day event will also consider how to make the response of the national agencies responsible for tackling it as effective as possible.

The symposium is organised by Oman's Foreign Ministry and the National Committee to Combat Human Trafficking, in cooperation with the UN Office tasked with tackling drugs and crime in the GCC states.


The opening ceremony was addressed by Sheikh Khalifa Alharthy, Foreign Ministry Undersecretary for Diplomatic Affairs and Chairman of the National Committee to Combat Human Trafficking.

Sheikh Al Harthy said that Oman played a major role in combating the crime of human trafficking and all such practices that violate decent human values and degrade human dignity.

He added that the committee was pressing ahead with its mission to work in cooperation with local and international partners to tackle human trafficking in accordance with international and regional treaties and agreements.

The annual symposium underscores the solidarity of all national authorities entrusted with combating human trafficking. It also reflects Oman’s commitment to spread community awareness to combat this crime.and to train specialists through international cooperation to play their role.

For more information about human trafficking or to report a suspected case please click here.

This is an unofficial English version of the original Arabic text. To view the official Arabic text, click here.