This page only displays videos about Oman which are in English. To view videos which are in Arabic please click here

4  December 2021

Speech by Foreign Minister Sayyid Badr Albusaid to the 5th Indian Ocean Conference – English video

26  November 2021

A vision for our common future – the pavilions of the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council at Expo 2020 Dubai – English and Arabic video

8  November 2021

His Majesty the Sultan accepts the credentials of a number of ambassadors of brotherly and friendly countries – English video

20 October 2021

Oman and Greece hold political talks and sign Visa Waiver Agreement and MoU on political consultations – English video

7 October 2021

Speech by Abdullah Shahid, President of the United Nations General Assembly, on the occasion of the golden jubilee of Oman's membership of the UN -English with Arabic subtitles

7 October 2021

The speech of His Excellency the Minister of Foreign Affairs on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the accession of the Sultanate of Oman to the United Nations – Arabic with English subtitles

27 September 2021

Oman's Foreign Minister delivers the Sultanate’s speech to the 76th session of the United Nations General Assembly Arabic with English subtitles.

26 September 2021

Oman's Foreign Minister to address the 76th Session of the United Nations General Assembly tomorrow in a televised speech

28 April 2021

Political talks between the Sultanate of Oman and the Islamic Republic of Iran

28 April 2021

His Highness Sayyid Fahd bin Mahmoud Al Said receives His Excellency the Foreign Minister of the Islamic Republic of Iran