وشدد معالي وزير الخارجية على أهمية الاستمرار في دعم مشاريع التنمية المستدامة في القدس.

Foreign Minister participates in conference to support Jerusalem

Published On: 12 February 2023

The Sultanate of Oman has reiterated its firm position supporting the Palestinian cause at a high-level conference to support the city of Al Quds.

Oman also voiced its strong backing for the principle of land for peace espoused under the Arab Peace Initiative, declaring it a permanent, fair and final solution to resolve the Palestinian-Israeli and Arab-Israeli conflict.

Taking part in the conference hosted by the League of Arab States at its headquarters in the Egyptian capital, Cairo, were: His Majesty King Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan; President Mahmoud Abbas, President of the State of Palestine; President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, President of the Arab Republic of Egypt, the Secretary General of the League of Arab States, the Secretary General of the United Nations, the Secretary General of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, the Chairman of the Non-Aligned Movement, the Secretary General of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf and the foreign ministers of a number of Arab countries, including Sayyid Badr Albusaidi, Foreign Minister of Oman.


In his speech on behalf of Oman to the conference, Sayyid Badr underlined the significance of maintaining constant support to sustainable development projects in Al Quds.

The speech stressed Oman's view that the steadfastness of the people of Al Quds and the sacrifices made by the city’s residents constitute a legitimate right that is consistent with the rules of international law, as well as international resolutions and the principles of justice, legal rights and fairness.

At the conclusion of his speech, Sayyid Badr said: “I convey a message and a signal to the whole world that we are an Arab nation that continues to extend a hand for peace. We seek to establish and consolidate this approach for peace by advocating the establishment of an independent, fully sovereign Palestinian state, with East Al Quds as its capital – so that the peoples of the entire region can enjoy coexistence in safety, stability and prosperity.”

The conference, which stems from the recommendations of the recent Algiers Summit, aims to enhance the steadfastness of the people of Al Quds and to highlight the issue of the city on the world stage. It aims to underscore the economic and investment dimensions of the issue alongside the legal aspects.

This is an unofficial English version of an Arabic report. To view the official Arabic text, click here.