
Oman at the UN General Assembly: “The quest for peace does not warrant killing and destruction”

Published On: 26 May 2021

The road towards peace does not follow a course of killing and destruction, but rather comes through dialogue and negotiations that seek to preserve the high interests of the parties concerned.

This was highlighted in Oman’s speech before the UN General Assembly’s meeting on the situation in Palestine, following the recent developments in the region. The speech was delivered by Counsellor Ahmed Dawood Al-Zedjali, Oman’s Deputy Permanent Representative at the United Nations.

The speech pointed out that Palestinian lands held by Israel since 1967 in the West Bank, Jerusalem and Gaza are, from the point of view of international law, “occupied lands” and that the escalation, which has been taking place until recently, has been occurring on occupied lands.

The incidents in the Palestinian lands are typical forms of occupation, a fact affirmed by more than 700 UN General Assembly resolutions and more than 80 decisions issued by the Security Council. “None of the resolutions have been implemented by the Israeli occupation authorities. To maintain the credibility of the Security Council—this major institution in the international relations system, it is time the resolutions were put to action,” said the Sultanate.

This is an unofficial English translation of the original Arabic text. To view the official Arabic text click here