The Sultanate of Oman affirms before the League of Arab States the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination

Oman affirms right of Palestinians to self-determination before Arab League

Published On: 6 March 2024

In a speech to the Arab League, the Sultanate of Oman stated that the freedom, security, and right of the Palestinian people to self-determination in an independent state is a paramount issue and that Oman will always support this right.

This was the central message of a speech by Ambassador Abdullah bin Nasser Alrahbi, Oman's Ambassador to Egypt and its Permanent Representative to the Arab League, when he lead the Sultanate's delegation to the 161st session of the Council of the Arab League at the level of foreign ministers, held at the League's headquarters in Cairo, Egypt.

Ambassador Alrahbi said there was an urgent need to convene an international conference that brings together international parties and all components of the Palestinian society, without exception, to reach agreements to ensure a swift and effective solution.

He expressed great concern over the ongoing escalation in the region, while the unjust Israeli aggression in the Gaza Strip has claimed the lives of tens of thousands of innocent civilians, including young people, women and children.

The Sultanate of Oman affirms before the League of Arab States the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination

Ambassador Alrahbi emphasised the need for an independent investigation into the Israeli aggression and for Israel to be tried for its deliberate targeting of civilians and infrastructure in the Gaza Strip and for denying  the Palestinian people their humanitarian needs, starving them, and subjecting them to siege and collective punishment.

He reaffirmed Oman's clear position that the establishment of a Palestinian state is an existential necessity, without which the Palestinians are condemned to a permanent threat of destitution, extermination and death.

Oman's delegation included Ambassador Sheikh Faisal Almarhoon, Head of the Foreign Ministry's Arab Department as well as  a number of Foreign Ministry officials.

This is an unofficial English version of an Arabic report. To view the official Arabic text, click here.