The Foreign Minister and his Iranian counterpart review bilateral cooperation between the two countries and regional and international developments

Oman and Iran hold political talks

Published On: 7 April 2024

Oman's Foreign Minister Sayyid Badr Al Busaidi, received in Muscat Dr Hossein Amir Abdollahian, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

The Ministers held political discussions during which they reviewed a number of topics related to cooperation between the two countries and ways to enhance and develop such cooperation.

The Foreign Minister and his Iranian counterpart review bilateral cooperation between the two countries and regional and international developments

During the meeting, the Ministers praised the bilateral relations between Oman and Iran, based on good neighbourliness and mutual trust, which contribute to the development of strong bilateral relations, bringing benefits to both countries and both peoples.

Oman and Iran Foreign Ministers hold talks

The Ministers discussed  regional and international developments of common interest, notably the Palestinian issue and the painful events in the Gaza Strip.

The Ministers agreed on the importance of supporting the steadfastness of the Palestinian people, rejecting any attempts to displace them from their lands and providing all humanitarian, political and legal support to them in achieving their legitimate rights in accordance with international law, ending the siege and stopping the escalation and brutal Israeli attacks.

They also discussed the Israeli bombing of the Iranian consulate in Syria, stressing the need to hold Israel accountable for its repeated and blatant violation of all international laws and conventions.They stressed that this aggressive action against the diplomatic mission is a violation of Syrian sovereignty and international norms and conventions.

Oman and Iran affirmed their joint commitment to working to promote stability and peace in the region and the world in general, based on the principles of justice, respect for the sovereignty of states, and the resolution of disputes by peaceful and diplomatic means.

The meeting was attended by Ambassador Sheikh Ahmed bin Hashel Almaskari, Head of the Foreign Ministry's Department for the GCC and the region; Muhammad Ali Bey, Director General of the Persian Gulf Department at the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Mousa Farhang, Iran's Ambassador to Oman, and a number of Omani and Iranian officials.

This is an unofficial English version of an Arabic report. To view the official Arabic text, click here.

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