
Oman at extraordinary meeting of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation

Published On: 18 October 2023

The Sultanate of Oman, represented by the Foreign Ministry, participated today in an extraordinary meeting of the  Executive Committee of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation at the level of Foreign Ministers.

The meeting was called to discuss the ongoing Israeli military aggression against the Palestinian people.

The Omani delegation to the meeting, held in Riyadh, was headed by Sheikh Khalifa Alharthy, Foreign Ministry Undersecretary for Political Affairs.

In its speech, the Sultanate of Oman said that the Palestinian people are facing a new catastrophe and serious, painful events due to a brutal war waged by Israeli occupation forces on the Gaza Strip.

This war, it added, is claiming the lives of civilians, especially women, children and the elderly and is destroying infrastructure, services and hospitals — the massacre of Al-Mamadani Hospital being a clear example.

Oman said that all this violates international norms, laws and treaties, as well international humanitarian law, and comes against a background of racist and provocative statements and practices witnessed by the world, including the demolition of residents' homes, forcing civilians to flee and the violation of the sanctity of Al-Aqsa Mosque.

It pointed out that while  all these atrocities against the residents of Gaza are taking place, many influential countries are not only ignoring them, but actually supporting Israel politically and through the media.

Oman said that the ongoing events are neither new nor surprising and will not be the last, as they are the natural result of the failure of the international community to grant Palestinians their legitimate rights and an independent state.

It pointed out that an Islamic and humanitarian position towards what is happening in the Gaza Strip obliges us all to facilitate the passage of humanitarian convoys, by opening crossings to deliver urgent assistance in the form of medical and food supplies, and to call for the immediate cessation of Israeli attacks and compliance with international laws.

The Sultanate of Oman reiterated its rejection of the forced displacement of Palestinians resulting from these acts of aggression, which aims to undermine the entire Palestinian cause.

Oman added that it stands with its brothers in Palestine and believes that the suffering will only end with the termination of the Israeli occupation and the establishment of a fully sovereign independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital, based on the borders of June 4th, 1967, in accordance with relevant international resolutions.

The delegation accompanying the Political Undersecretary included the Consul General and Deputy Permanent Representative to the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, Adviser Salem Al Busaidi, Adviser Kifah Bint Jafar Al Lawati, and First Secretary Mohammed Bin Khaled Bin Ahmed Al Barwani.

This is an unofficial English version of an Arabic report. To view the official Arabic text, click here.