The Sultanate of Oman’s participation in the tenth session of the ministerial meeting of the Arab-Chinese Cooperation Forum

Oman at meeting of Arab Chinese Cooperation Forum

Published On: 30 May 2024

The Sultanate of Oman took part in a ministerial meeting of the Arab-China Cooperation Forum, which was held  in the Chinese capital, Beijing.

Chinese President Xi Jinping inaugurated the forum, attended by several Arab Presidents as guests of honour, in addition to Foreign Ministers and their representatives.

The Omani delegation at the meeting was headed by Sheikh Khalifa Alharthy, Foreign Ministry Undersecretary for Political Affairs.

This tenth session of the Arab-China Cooperation Forum celebrated twenty years since its inception in 2004. The meeting reviewed the achievements in framing and enhancing Arab-China cooperation, ways to develop that cooperation, future prospects and coordination of positions on regional and international issues, especially the Palestinian cause.

The Sultanate of Oman’s participation in the tenth session of the ministerial meeting of the Arab-Chinese Cooperation Forum

Sheikh Khalifa  delivered a speech at the meeting in which he praised the strategic partnership based on cooperation and joint development between Arab countries and the People's Republic of China.

He highlighted the long standing relations between the Sultanate of Oman and China, citing Chinese documents that indicate the Chinese traveller Zheng He made several trips to Oman in the fifteenth century. Recently, a memorial was inaugurated in his honour in the city of Salalah, commemorating the close historical relations and cultural exchanges between China, Oman and the Arab world.

He added that both countries have a shared and sincere desire to strengthen bilateral relations to promote their mutual interests. He noted the ongoing economic and investment cooperation, noting the remarks of the Chinese President about cooperation in renewable energy, artificial intelligence and various other fields, to the benefit of both sides. He also highlighted cooperation in maintaining international peace and security, affirming their support for the One-China principle now and in the future.

Sheikh Khalifa spoke of China's commendable stance on the Israeli aggression in Gaza and its support for the Palestinian cause. He called on other international parties to follow the same path to achieve a just, comprehensive and sustainable solution to this issue, in accordance with the Arab Peace Initiative of 2002, the two-state solution and the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with full sovereignty based on the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital.

The Omani delegation included Ambassador Abdullah bin Nasser Al Rahbi, Oman's representative to the Arab League; Ambassador Nasser bin Mohammed bin Khalifa Albusaidi, Oman's Ambassador to China and officials from the Foreign Ministry.

This is an unofficial English version of an Arabic report. To view the official Arabic text, click here.
