
Oman calls for end to stereotypical image of terrorism

Published On: 28 June 2021

Oman has reaffirmed its view that terrorist acts afflict many areas of the world demonstrating that terrorism is a global phenomenon that is not inherently associated with any particular religion, belief, country or people.

This was the message of a speech by Dr. Mohammed Awad Al-Hassan, the Sultanate’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations to the second UN high-level conference on combating terrorism, held in New York.

Speaking on behalf of the Oman, Dr Al-Hassan added that terrorism is a global scourge that requires a global response. “Terrorism threatens the security and stability of whole countries and its remedy lies in global solutions,” he said.

Oman, said Dr Al Hasson, called upon the international community to act in a spirit of unity, shunning double standards and applying one criterion to speak with one voice against terrorism.

Dr Al-Hassan’s speech stated that Oman was calling for a reversal of the reigning stereotypical image of terrorism based on prejudices and racism. It noted that these wrong concepts lead to the spread of negative phenomena that are nothing less than racism. These phenomena include hatred of Islam (Islamophobia), hatred of Muslims and hatred of disciples of other religions and foreigners.

“Religions are innocent of terrorism and terrorists represent only themselves and their extremist views. No one should be carried away by extremist slogans promoted by some,” continued Dr Al-Hasson in his official address.

He said the Sultanate also called for respect for religions, sanctities and symbols of all peoples. The speech explained that freedom of expression does not warrant harming, humiliating or despising others.

In his address, Oman’s representative pointed out that ignorance, poverty, suppression, racism, hatred and foreign occupation are all instigators of extremism and terrorism. Therefore, the establishment of justice and the propagation of social awareness are means of protection and security that need to be supported and financed by the international community through tangible steps and programmes.

Dr Al Hassan underlined Oman’s conviction that no strategy to control terrorism could succeed unless it is based on solid foundations of respect for international law, human rights and the liberties of individuals and societies. The speech also stressed the need to secure the rights of women, children and all other sections of society.

This is an unofficial English translation of the original Arabic text. To view the official Arabic text click here.