
Oman participates in Human Rights Council session

Published On: 17 September 2021

The Sultanate affirmed that the right of development is a basic building block for guaranteeing human rights.

This was a theme in a speech delivered by Ambassador Idris bin Abdulrahman Al-Khanjari, Oman’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations in Geneva, to the 48th session of the Human Rights Council.

The speech was part of an interactive dialogue about “Climate action at the national level”.

The Ambassador said that Oman believes that it is essential to ensure effective and informed participation in the implementation of the right to development at the national level. He also stressed Oman’s adherence to the need to strengthen the foundations of a constructive partnership between developed and developing countries as well as integrating developing countries more effectively in global trade.

This is an unofficial English translation of the original Arabic text. To view the official Arabic text click here.