Statement of the Sultanate of Oman before the General Assembly regarding Palestine’s request for full membership in the United Nations

Oman regrets US veto of Palestine’s request for full UN membership

Published On: 2 May 2024

Oman has expressed deep regret and disappointment over the United States of America’s use of the veto against the legitimate request of the State of Palestine to obtain full membership of the United Nations.

Oman's Permanent Representative to the United Nations (UN) in New York, Dr Mohammed bin Awadh Alhassan, confirmed that Oman agreed with the statement delivered by the Permanent Representative of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) on behalf of the Arab Group in New York concerning the use of the veto.

Dr Alhassan said Oman considers peace to be a fundamental pillar of the system of international relations. He said that ending the conflict in the Middle East can only be achieved by establishing a Palestinian state and granting Palestine full membership of the UN. He added this is a strategic necessity and a demand supported by the international community.

Dr Alhassan said: “One country’s obstruction of this legitimate demand for political reasons does not serve security and peace in the Middle East and the world and negatively affects the credibility of the Security Council – due to double standards – when it comes to the Palestinian issue. The liquidation of colonialism and the right to self-determination are two basic pillars of the UN.

“After seventy-odd years of the illegal and illegitimate Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories, the Palestinian people are still resisting the occupation despite its cruelty and despite its repeated and systematic violations of international law, international humanitarian law and international legitimacy resolutions.

“There is no doubt that what the Palestinian people are exposed to in the West Bank and Gaza Strip is clear evidence of the failure of the Security Council – due to the positions of some countries – to maintain international peace and security and make it a tangible reality in this vital region of the world.”

Dr Alhassan pointed out that Palestine is an existing state recognised by many countries and it was only a matter of time before it obtained full membership in the UN. He said no single country could disrupt the will of the international community.

During his speech, Dr Alhassan called on Oman's partners to reconsider their decision and to support a just and comprehensive peace for all the peoples of the Middle East that ends the cycle of violence and counter-violence, a peace that ends the occupation, restores security and stability and ends decades of killing, destruction and unjust sieges.

The Ambassador affirmed that Oman always prioritises peace. He said Oman supports the two-state solution for a safe coexistence and categorically rejects all proposals that do not lead to a permanent resolution of the Palestinian issue.

He said Oman will remain supportive of the legitimate demands of the Palestinian people and their right to obtain full UN membership.

Oman’s statement was made before the United Nations General Assembly session regarding item 63 on the agenda.

This is an unofficial English version of an Arabic report. To view the official Arabic text, click here.