
Foreign Minister’s statement at the Arab League Ministerial Meeting

Published On: 11 May 2021

The Sultanate of Oman participated in a meeting of the Arab League Council in an extraordinary virtual session held this evening.

In his speech, Foreign Minister Sayyid Badr Albusaidi reaffirmed the solidarity with the Palestinian people and their just quest for freedom and independence. He said “the Israeli attacks on worshipers in the Al-Aqsa Mosque and holy places during this holy month of Ramadan, as well as the arbitrary measures imposed by the Israeli forces against the people of occupied Jerusalem, harassing them and forcibly displacing them, are to be rejected and condemned. Israel's continued unlawful occupation of Palestinian land, and its continuous violations of international law, human rights and norms, are matters that require decisive action by the international community and the United Nations Security Council”.

His Excellency the Minister indicated that “seventy years of suffering, pain and tragedies are being waged on the Palestinian people under the weight of the occupation, without obtaining their right to self-determination and the establishment of their independent state, despite the many and painstaking efforts over the years to establish a just and comprehensive peace. This is truly the greatest human suffering since World War 2”. He added, “This suffering will only conclude with the end of the occupation and the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with its capital in East Jerusalem on the boundaries of June 4th 1967, and its attainment of full membership status in the United Nations. That is the only solution to extinguish the most important and dangerous sources of instability in the Middle East”.

Sayyid Badr added that “the Sultanate salutes the resilience of the Palestinian people and their legitimate struggle and calls for achieving peace based on international legitimacy and a two-state solution”.