Foreign Minister participates in Middle East, Mediterranean Summer Summit

Published On: 25 August 2021

Foreign Minister Sayyid Badr Albusaidi attended the fourth edition of the Middle East Mediterranean Summer Summit at the Swiss Italian University in Lugano, Switzerland on 24 August.

Sayyid Badr delivered a keynote address on the issue of social justice and its relevance to both foreign and domestic policy. He concluded that “in Oman, we are determined to do all that we can to ensure that Oman’s foreign policy acts in the service of social justice, while at the same time making a contribution to a just social order at home, in which those who enjoy wealth and privilege continue to play an appropriate role in securing the well-being of all….this will create social unity which is a win-win for all sections of society, but in particular will create favorable conditions and opportunities for young people.”

His contribution was warmly welcomed by a diverse audience including a number of young people from the GCC states, Morocco and Palestine.

The main topics discussed throughout the week at the summit were Israel-Palestine issues, the challenges facing Europe as a result of refugees fleeing conflict zones and the need for the new US administration to rebuild the trust of their regional allies.

The meeting analysed the complexity of the Middle East Mediterranean region, contextualising its current developments in global history, prompting a broader reflection on contemporary challenges. The participants noted that this region has a significant impact on international dynamics and on Europe and its political structures.

This is an unofficial English translation of the original Arabic text. To view
the official Arabic text click here.