Foreign Minister receives Bahraini counterpart

Published On: 24 April 2024

Foreign Minister Sayyid Badr Albusaidi received this morning Dr Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani, Foreign Minister of the Kingdom of Bahrain, during his official visit to Oman.

They stressed the history and depth of the existing relationship between the two countries and touched on the work and programmes of the joint committee whose next session will be held in the Sultanate this year.

The intention is to sign a number of new agreements and memorandums of understanding aimed at strengthening cooperation.

Bahrain is due to host the 33rd Arab Summit on May 16th and the Foreign Minister expressed Oman’s confidence in its success and for constructive results that serve the regional interest and reflect the directives of the Arab leaders and their aspirations for security and peace for all.

It is hoped the summit will bring benefits and prosperity, deepening joint and constructive Arab action.

Developments in the region were also discussed, with both Ministers emphasising the importance of calm and making all efforts to avoid the escalation of conflicts. They agreed that the focus should be on a ceasefire in Gaza and a just and lasting solution to the Palestinian issue based on the two-state solution in accordance with international resolutions and the Arab Peace Initiative.

The meeting was attended by Ambassador Sayyed Najib bin Hilal bin Saud Al Busaidi, Deputy Head of the Department of the Cooperation Council for the GCC, Dr Juma bin Ahmed Al Kaabi, Bahrain's Ambassador to Oman, and a number of officials from the Foreign Ministry.

This is an unofficial English version of an Arabic report. To view the official Arabic text, click here.

